New Babies 2015
Litter from Ivy and Chaplin: Born 28th October
Born in the afternoon, a litter of 6!!! 2 DE White boars, 1 Lemon Chinchilla boar, 1 Silver Chinchilla boar and 2 Silver Chinchilla sows. Two are a good size, but the other 4 are very very tiny! I lost one of the DE White boars and one of the Silver chin sows! :(
Here are the sows left, one from each litter. The one on the left is from Ivy, the one on the right from Morag.
Here are the sows left, one from each litter. The one on the left is from Ivy, the one on the right from Morag.
Litter from Morag and Edmonds: Born 27th October
Born early in the morning, unfortunately 2 Chinchillas DOA! I have alive, 1 Silver Chin sow and 1 DE Self Cream boar. Very forward, doing well. :)
Here are the 3 boars from the 2 litters. Lemon Chinchilla and DE White from Ivy, DE Cream from Morag.
Here are the 3 boars from the 2 litters. Lemon Chinchilla and DE White from Ivy, DE Cream from Morag.
Litter from Tabitha and Orlando: Born 20th September

Born in the morning, litter of 6. Unfortunately 4 DOA. Left with alive - 1 golden agouti boar and 1 golden agouti sow. Orlando left me a present before he died!!!
Litter from Penny and Bill: Born 7th August

Born in the morning, 1 Silver Chin sow and 1 Lemon Chin sow, lovely and chunky.
Litter from Ivy and Edmonds: Born 19th June

Born in the evening, 2 DE White sows, 1 Lemon Chinchilla boar and 1 Cinnamon Chinchilla boar.
Litter from Juno and Smokey: Born 16th May

Born early in the morning, 1 self cream sow and 1 lemon chin sow. 3 DOA! :(
Litter from Mishka and Chewie: Born 12th May
Born early in the morning. 1 DOA, 2 self cream boars, 1 cream chin boar, 1 lemon chin sow and 2 lemon chin boars - 1 very tiny who died a couple of days later!! :( Here is a pic of the boars together. And a pic of the sow on her own.
Litter from Tabitha and Chrome: Born 7th May
Born overnight, lovely chunky babies. Two Silver Chin sows, 1 pale Cinnamon Chin dal sow and 1 pale Cinnamon Chin dal boar.
Litter from Salt and Cheggers: Born 12th April
Born about midday. 1 Cream Chinchilla Dalmation sow, 2 Cinnamon Chinchilla sows, and 1 dark Cream Chinchilla sow. All lovely and chunky! :)
Litter from Morina and Dollar: Born 10th March

Born overnight, a litter of 6, 4 DOA and 2 alive, both Silver Chinchilla boars.
Litter from Mishka and Smokey: Born 20th January

A litter of 4 - 2 DOA and 2 alive, 1 Cinnamon Chinchilla boar and 1 DE White Sow